the girl with the lion tattoo

The first time I met her was about seven years ago, when we were sophomores in high school. She had just moved schools to Hull, the town I grew up in, and because I didn’t go to public school at the time, I had no clue who she was, just that a couple of my…

the unexpected 

I am not the safety of a quiet country town, I am the spontaneity of a busy city, the roar of the ocean during a storm. I am not perfect hair, polished nails or the girl who always knows how to answer; I am silence, the way it’s never expected and forgetting to use a…

the truth about abusive relationships 

Before I was in an abusive, unhealthy relationship, I had a lot of misconceptions about them and the people involved in them. I didn’t understand how someone could stay in a relationship where they were mentally or physically abused. The truth is, unless you have been through it, it makes no sense. If you have…

addressing the elephant in the room

In the past 24 hours I have been receiving a large amount of commentary from people on social media. Some of it negative, some of it positive. I’ll admit that some of the negative I may even deserve. Every story has multiple sides: each person involved’s perspective, and the truth, which is often a combination….

a year of blogging

It’s been a year since I created this blog. One year of writing my thoughts, my experiences and my feelings on the internet for anyone/everyone to see. (If you haven’t read my first blog post, Click Here to read it). It’s been (roughly) 365 days, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes. It’s a long time when you…

why i don’t mind being messy

Saying that I’m a little messy would be a huge understatement.  I’m messy in every definition of the word. My room is a constant hurricane of clothes, makeup and blankets thrown about. My car is filled with countless outfits, empty coffee cups and high heeled boots. My hair is usually unbrushed, thrown into a quick…

single me vs in a relationship me

You know those independent girls you read about, see in movies or maybe even know in real life? Those girls who have badass personal style, are full of self-confidence and don’t settle for relationships that hold them back. I have always wanted to be one of those girls, and there has been periods in my…