appearances mean shit

Okay so I was just editing / uploading a vlog I made earlier today on my basic everyday makeup routine when I realized A) it takes so long to export a vlog from imovie to theater on an apple comuter and B) I haven’t really made a vlog in a while. So I was rewatching…

butterfly effect

I was running late on my way to work (cause what else is new) and I forgot my cell phone at home. I turned around, drove home to get it, and skipped getting my usual iced coffee so I would still be on time for work. Later that day I saw on the news there…

i wanted to wake up

The morning after I killed myself, my daughter woke up crying, alone in a bed that she’d spent every night of her life in with me. She didn’t understand why her mama wasn’t laying next to her. She cried and cried until someone heard. The morning after I killed myself, my mom found my body,…

not all endings are sad (aka peace out 2017)

I haven’t really been in the mood to write lately, mostly because I’ve been kinda distracted with other things and dealing with personal shit, but since 2017 is almost over and I’ve had some time off from work visiting family in Florida to process my thoughts, I think I’m actually finally feeling like writing again….

changing perspectives

Exactly one year ago I was getting on a plane to go to Florida for the weekend, and today I am currently on a plane flying home. It’s so crazy to think about life this way; a year and everything is so different, yet so much the same. The world looks so tiny from up…

this time

“What’s different this time?” He asked me as I was about to walk out the door. It was a question that I wasn’t prepared for. I looked at him to see if he was expecting an answer, and in his eyes I saw all of the hurt and pain and frustration I had caused him…

the importance of healthy environments

My mind has always been a garden, filled with flowers, weeds and sometimes thorns. I think that’s part of the reason I write (there are many reasons I write, some that I know about, and many more that I don’t), because there are just so many different kind of thoughts popping up in my brain…

addressing the elephant in the room

In the past 24 hours I have been receiving a large amount of commentary from people on social media. Some of it negative, some of it positive. I’ll admit that some of the negative I may even deserve. Every story has multiple sides: each person involved’s perspective, and the truth, which is often a combination….

a year of blogging

It’s been a year since I created this blog. One year of writing my thoughts, my experiences and my feelings on the internet for anyone/everyone to see. (If you haven’t read my first blog post, Click Here to read it). It’s been (roughly) 365 days, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes. It’s a long time when you…

why i don’t mind being messy

Saying that I’m a little messy would be a huge understatement.  I’m messy in every definition of the word. My room is a constant hurricane of clothes, makeup and blankets thrown about. My car is filled with countless outfits, empty coffee cups and high heeled boots. My hair is usually unbrushed, thrown into a quick…

choosing to remember 

Sometimes I pretend to have recovery all figured out. I talk about it like it’s my identity, like there is no other choice, like I am fully recovered and I’ll never go back to the way I used to be when I was sick. And in some ways this is true, but in a lot…